Just In


Yeah yeah yeah, erm i was been feeling bad the past few days and i really din't know why, then i decided to go through a few pictures to cheer myself up. So i compiled them hoping to get someone out of a similar situation even if i can solve your mind numbing problem at least i should be able to make you laugh a little and just ease up some tension, Enjoy!

Lol, Thats it right there.

 Chelsea fans after the arsenal game.
Im sure this was Arsene Wengers post match team talk.

I have this urge some day people just do some extremely stupid or annoying things

Lol, Its supposed to be cindarella

True story

Yup, this guy totally understandss a nigga.

Lol, with his life on the line i dont think he cared at all while waving but who knows.

Asin seriously the argument should have been over by now.

Total BS

Lol, Till i see it i wont belive it.

This killed me i was expecting something else entirely.


Florist or farmer

I know right why?

Arsenal and madrid fans right now.

I was weak after this though.

My guess exactly, Lol Taaa.

Bet why now?

Im connecting this the previous picture. 

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