Song Of The Day: Save The Children


I remember watch the 2013 XXL Freshman freestyle and listening to some guy obviously just breaking out. I was just nodding my head listening to him then he burst out some bars that made me chuckle then I eventually mastered his entire verse from the "frestyle".
Flash forward two years later I listened to the B4DA$$ (Before the cash, which is cleverly written to look like Bad Ass as well). The first track to be precise, then I hear the same verse it bright back so many memories (the album is also really lit by the way). 
The song sampled Azar Lawrence's Moving People which you hear audibly at several intervals. All through the track Joey Badass maintained this some what old school flow and his verses were fill with killer wordplay, diverse but congruous  rhyme patters and several entendres. The track had an aged tone to it and Joey was pretty laid back on it, maybe it's how it's voice sound but it's like the tempo was really slow it was just right. This tape revived the hip hop for me.

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