Song Of The Day: Hymn For The Weekend


Well I had a cool time last weekend, went on a road trip to my old school which you can read about here and here. I took some pictures during the weekend which you'll find at the bottom of this post.
Anyway, it was the weekend and one of the songs which I played during the Trips was Hymn For The Weekend featuring Beyonce by one of my favorite band who i've written about a couple of times here. This song like Adventure of A Lifetime is pretty progressive which is not generally their orthodox sound and the sounds in my opinion can easily be grooved to there's a lot more energy to it and it consists of some earthy elements in the background.
Also the harmony when both Chris Martin and Beyonce's vocals merge is something I enjoy so much. Then when I think of what instruments were used to produce the song i'm even more amazed by the general sound for apparent simple instruments.
Something I also found amazing yet may not appear so far fetched was how the song was created from a simple thought. When I was doing my research I found out that the song was actually conceptualized in a bar, a thought crossed Chris' mind after wishing he had one of those late night club songs like Turn Down for what or something Flo-rida would do.
Then He thought: "I’d like to have a song called 'Drinks on Me' where you sit on the side of a club and buy everyone drinks because you're so fucking cool," Martin recalled. "I was chuckling about that, when this melody came, 'drinks on me, drinks on me', then the rest of the song came out. I presented it to the rest of the band and they said, 'We love this song, but there's no way you can sing "drinks on me."' So that changed into 'drink from me' and the idea of having an angelic person in your life. Then that turned into asking Beyoncé to sing on it."

The thought was reference from:

Over and out from fine boy Seun.

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