Song of The Day: Something Good is Happening


The song of the day is one of my favorites off Brymo's latest album Klitoris which was released earlier in the year. The songs on the album are actually far from what the controversial album art and title depict (except if I'm getting something wrong somewhere).
In this song he maintained his bi-lingual approach all through, but on the other hand the instrument were more western and had this up beat vibe like those ones you'll hear in movies when the protagonist is trying to get fit, clean up or generally get his life together. It's the kind of melody you'll probably hear a band play live.
To be very honest I still don't have the song completely figured out, I don't think everything correlates right now. That not withstanding the major parts I like are the chorus obviously for the motivational effect it has and the part right after with just the instruments. Speaking of the instruments they were so well blended, from the various drums, to keyboards, trumpet and saxophone. 
It just makes me feel like something good is coming my way after every listen and that is a feeling I genuinely can't get enough of.

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