Song Of The Day: Born To Die


The song of the day is Born To Die by Lana Dal Rey from her album Born To Die. The song was released late in 2011 before the album. Her style of music is very unique and hard to describe, but it has this indie kind of vibe. The song describes an unstable relationship a relationship so terrible that none of them wanted to leave. According to the singer, the song is an "homage to true love and a tribute to living life on the wild side". The song is soothing but the themes it speaks of are explicit. The lyrics are very poetic and the delivery holds it together too well. I don't even know how I began to like her work I guess its because its very different from the things I hear regularly. Her voice, attitude, themes she portrays and  her art direction are some of the things I guess I also find appealing. The song gives me this happy feeling I don't understand though its very far from an upbeat or lively song.

See the link to the song here

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